Renewed Recovery


Meetings are every Thursday at 6pm or for more info call (405) 665-5118 Ext 105

Renewed Mind. Renewed Faith. Renewed You.
In our journey with Christ, we believe that all can find hope, can be healed, restored & renewed, all can repent and find forgiveness, all can experience God's unfailing grace & mercy, and that all can feel Christ's love in their lives.


First, welcome to H.O.P.E.! You may be visiting this site because you are feeling better hopeless and broken. Good news, you have taken the first step in your recovery process. You have realized you need help and have reached out to people who care. Have you been trying to find something that will help you cope with the pain? Your pain is real, but we want you to know that there is a way through your circumstance. God is setting you up and preparing you right now to be a lifeline of H.O.P.E. for someone else who feels hopeless. In 1 Corinthians 10:13, the Bible reassures us that there is no temptation too great for us to overcome with God. It also lets us know that He will make a way of escape. This escape may not be what you have imagined or planned, but there is a purpose for your suffering. Psalms 30:5 promises that your situation will only last for a season, but joy comes in the morning. God would like to offer you H.O.P.E. today. Make the choice to leave your pain and walk into His perfect purpose. We are here to help you with this journey.


The whole reason for Jesus coming to Earth is to heal the hurting.
In order for a wound to heal you must apply the proper treatment and have and apply the proper tools.
Healing does not mean there will not be scars, but your scars will be your testimony.
Psalm 147:3


To overcome means to “prevail” or “conquer”.
You are made an overcomer by the word of your testimony. This means that you will help others conquer their pain.
Once the healing has taken place, you will begin to conquer things in your life that you thought were undefeatable. (Philippians 4:13)
Romans 8:37 says “Yet in all these things, we are made more than conquerors through Him who loved us.”


Once you are healed and have victory, you can walk into your purpose.
Your ultimate purpose is not only to receive healing for yourself, but to offer others the same hope.
Many people are hurting just like you. Your personal pain enables you to be compassionate and understand their pain.
Psalm 107:2


One of your biggest steps to your recovery is connecting with those who will help you reach your purpose.
It is very important to connect to a group of people that can offer tools and resources to bring you to complete restoration. Iron sharpens iron.

You are loved not only by your friends and family, but also by a God who is more powerful than anything that has caused you to stumble. God will never give you more than you can handle 1 Corinthians 10:13. You are more than a conqueror through Jesus Christ. Let Him work in you, through you, and with you to overcome. H.O.P.E. is waiting for you, just reach out! Embrace it.

Join us at our Renewed Recovery Meetings every Thursday at 6:00pm or fill out the form below for more information.

The 12 Steps To Achieving Hope

1. Honesty:
After many years of denial, recovery can begin with one simple admission of being powerless over Hurts of this life, over drugs and alcohol or anything that’s separates us from the love of Jesus.
2. Faith:
Before Jesus can begin to operate, we must first believe and have hope that it can. Someone with an addiction accepts has hope that there is a Jesus to help them heal.
3. Surrender:
We can change your self-destructive decisions by recognizing that you alone cannot recover but with help from Jesus we can recover.
4. Soul searching:
We must identify their problems and get a clear picture of how their behavior affected themselves and others around them.
5. Integrity:
Step 5 provides great opportunity for growth. The person in recovery must admit their wrongs in turn Jesus and another person.
6. Acceptance:
The key to Step 6 is acceptance—accepting character defects exactly as they are and becoming entirely willing to let them go.
7. Humility:
The spiritual focus of Step 7 is humility, or asking a Jesus to do something that cannot be done by self-will or mere determination.
8. Willingness:
This step involves making a list of those you harmed before coming into recovery.
9. Forgiveness:
Making amends may seem challenging, but for those serious about recovery, it can be a great way to start healing yourself and have hope of healing those relationships that’s in the Lords will.
10. Maintenance:
Nobody likes to admit to being wrong. But it is a necessary step in order to maintain spiritual progress in recovery.
11. Making contact:
The purpose of Step 11 is to discover the plan your Jesus has for your life.
12. Service:
The person in recovery must carry the message to others and put the principles of the program into practice in every area of their life in Hopes of sharing the Lords Word and Purpose for us.

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